Spiel des Jahres Announcement tomorrow

The winners of this year’s Spiel des Jahres and Kennerspiel des Jahres are announced tomorrow, 8th July. If you recall, the nominees for the main award were Augustus, Hanabi and Qwixx and those for the KedJ were Brugge, Palaces of Carrara and Legends of Andor. So, what do I think will win?

Augustus and Legends of Andor are my picks. Although we didn’t really rate Augustus as a six-player game when we played it, and I would love it if either Hanabi or Qwixx won, Augustus is the kind of big box game with expansion potential that the jury loves. As for the more complex game award, Andor looks good and a co-operative game would make a novel winner. Palaces is a game I would like to see win but nobody is giving this a chance whereas I’ve not yet played Brugge although I’m sure it’s typical Stefan Feld so could be in with a chance.