Has it really been 15 years?

Yesterday marked the fifteenth anniversary of my first visit to the Shrewsbury Boardgames Club. That session turned out to be an Alan Moon-focussed affair as we tried out both Das Amulett and Capitol.

It also means we now have fifteen years’ worth of session reports on my Trickylight site (apart from a sprinkling of occasions where the “Report coming soon” message never materialised into anything more substantial). There’s some interesting reading contained in those reports (about 1,750 of them). For example, who can forget the time in 2009 when we played Tumblin Dice for the first time and the shoulder injury Nige sustained as a result. Or the ineptness of Mark K in trying to cross a chasm during our first play of Betrayal at House on the Hill in 2004. Good times.

So thanks to all the past and present members of the club for making it such a fun group to play with and the highlight of my gaming week for so long.

Sixth 2016 Geeklist Auction

Having challenged myself in 2015 to reduce my collection by 365 games, which was about a third of my total collection and succeeded in selling over 400, this year I’m going to see if I can get my collection down to below 400 games, which means again selling about a third of the games I own. This is the sixth auction towards this goal and runs until the evening of Thursday 14th July. Here is the link

The 40 games included this time are:

Master Thieves
Baseball Highlights 2045: Deluxe Edition
Cheeky Monkey
Nations: The Dice Game
Pole Position
Speed Circuit
My Village
Holiday AG
Schrille Stille
Power Grid incl. Taxes promo
Power Grid: France/Italy
Schoko & Co.
Yeti Slalom
TIME Stories: A Prophecy of Dragons
Pluckin’ Pairs
Camel Up
Maloney’s Inheritance
The Hobbit
Robo Rally
Age of Assassins
Scharfe Schoten
Flash 10
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Of Mice and Lemmings
Templar Intrigue