Patio gaming under the sun

Jan and I spent the afternoon sat on the patio playing a few games and then continued with a couple more after noshing our roast beef dinner.

City Square Off

Started off with this two player game that has a Blokus vibe. It ended with neither of us able to fit in a tile so Jan won by having the larger contiguous area of empty spaces 15-9

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Start 11! The Board Game

We then played one of our favourites, Start 11, which we’ve not got to the table since May 2021. Jan was keen to play again having lost the first game … and then the second. Game 3 went in her favour and, for a final game, we played the variant that includes the symbol tiles. It doesn’t add any real complexity and is a good alternative way to play. I say that even though Jan won this match convincingly for us to tie the series 2-2.

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Next up was this game that combines Yahtzee with Connect 4. We played one very quick game as Jan was reminding herself of how to play (meaning I won) and then we had a tighter encounter but I also came out on top with that one too.

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The final play before the break for our meal was Kribbeln, a Yahtzee variant that we played just a few weeks ago. Jan scored big on her second Kribbeln and that meant she was unable to gain points for her later attempts so I ended up winning 14-10.

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Pig 10

After tea, I dug out a couple of card games we’ve not played for a while. Actually, Pig 10 was only on the table back in May but it’s easy to get through a couple of games, which we did with Jan winning the first and me winning the second.

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Pearls, on the other hand, has only hit the table once before in August 2019 so was definitely due for a revisit. It probably came down to Jan being able to time her final draw of cards just as the deck was running out with a nice set to cash in. She ended up winning with a comfortable margin 86-51.

From gallery of garrylloyd