My trip to Essen is now just three weeks away and I’ve had my first run-through the massive preview geeklist on Boardgamegeek. At this stage, I’m trying to be disciplined and identify the absolute definites. This is the list I came up with:
- Hanabi (Abacus)
- Saint Malo (Alea)
- The Boss 5-6 Player Expansion (Blackrock Editions)
- Shadows Over Camelot: The Card Game (Days of Wonder)
- Spellbound (Fragor)
- Pallaste von Carrara (Hans im Gluck)
- Keyflower (R&D Games)
- Qin (R&R Games)
- Spectaculum (R&R Games)
- Copycat (Rio Grande)
- P.I. (Treefrog)
- Hooyah: Navy Seals Card Game (US Game Systems)
- Le Havre: Der Binnenhafen (Z-Man)
Is there anything you think I’ve missed that is a must have (Snowdonia, possibly)?