Over at the Spielfrieks user group, the first round of nominations for the 2010 Meeples’ Choice Award is under way. From a list of 200 games released in 2010, people vote for their 10 nominees and those 25 with the most votes go through to a second round of polling. From this smaller selection, people can pick three games and the three with the most votes are then declared as the recipients of this year’s award.Â
There were a few games I was surprised weren’t included in the long list, such as The Resistance, Rallyman and Telestrations (although, on checking, the last of these was actually included on the previous year’s list). Anyway, I voted for 7 Wonders, Dragonheart, Fresco, Glen More, Key Market, London, Mr Jack Pocket, Navegador, Seeland and Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game. The one game I expect I would have included had I yet played it is Vinhos but I expect there will be others who vote for it and I may have managed to play it before the final round of voting.
I’ll publish the results here when they are announced later in the month.