Unplayed games – down from 120 to 47 in 12 months

Well, the final month in my “Mission Improbable” to get my unplayed games list down to below 20 saw me get down to a reasonably respectable 47:

2 new games acquired (Forbidden Island and Dragon Parade);

10 games no longer unplayed (Drachenherz, Die Speicherstadt, Samarkand: Routes to Riches, Forbidden Island, Dragon Parade, Bohnkick, Wie Hund und Katz, Carcassonne: Die Burg, Elefant im Pozellenladen and Sumeria);

13 games sold (Die Tafelrunde, Gods, Frankenstein, Banditos, Bohnroschen, Ohne Furcht und Adel: Die Dunklen Lande, Rotundo, Bayon, Dia de Los Muertos, Atta Ants, Richelieu, X-Net and The Penguin Ultimatum).

So, not a bad attempt overall and I am going to continue to eat into the remaining titles on the list. However, for the statisticians among you, the annual reconciliation ended up as:

120 unplayed at start of period

+59 new games acquired

-112 played for first time

-20 unplayed games sold without being played, leaving

47 unplayed at end of periodÂ