Unplayed games down to 70

A better month this time for reducing the unplayed list, helped to a degree by some Ebay sales. Anyway, during April this happened:

5 new games acquired (Mystery Express, Cheeky Monkey, Fresco, Samarkand: Route to Riches and Foosball);

13 games no longer unplayed (Strand Cup, Mystery Express, Cheeky Monkey, Burger Joint, Court of the Medici, Null & Nichtig, Gipsy King, Basket Boss, Perry Rhodan: Die Kosmische Hanse, Carrousel, Cardcassonne, Fresco and Foosball);

4 games sold (Meine Schafe Deine Schafe, Die Knastbruder, 8 1/2 and Petri Heil).

This month is Beer & Pretzels, which gives me another opportunity to get a few games off the list. Let’s see how far below 60 we can get by month end.