Hope everyone is having a good Christmas. My parents are coming over today and, if everything goes to plan, I should be getting a copy of Darjeeling from them. Darjeeling is a game designed by Gunter Burkhardt and released by Rio Grande and the theme is unsurprisingly about the tea trade in India.
I ought grudgingly to mention that after years of waiting (and in some games this year, it certainly seemed like years of waiting!!! – only joking), Nige has triumphed in the 2007 Hall of Fame. A tastefully designed note has been added to the Trickylight homepage to celebrate the fact.
Finally for now, over the break, I am working on a new feature for the site: Six Picks, which is sort of a recommendations area for various categories of game. The first one is likely to be Six games the family should play at Christmas, as I’m still feeling in festive mood.