Well, in spite of there being some doubt as to whether I would get there this year, everything’s booked. Same hotel: Ypsilon, Best Western; flight out slightly later and back a few hours earlier, which means I get the full day on Thursday but only until lunchtime on the Friday.
Not scanned Rick’s Essen preview in any great detail yet but certainly very interested in Leonardo Da Vinci (da Vinci), Hermagor (Mind The Move) and Yspahan (Ystari). Bit annoyed I missed out on Hameln (Fragor) due to the house move meaning I didn’t read about the game until it was sold out on pre-order. Anything else I should be definitely looking out for? Also, is there anyone else who will be there that I should look out for?
If you are interested in general information about the fair, you can get details here.